Online Abacus Classes in Surrey

An abacus or mental math program might fit the shoe just right, especially for the development of a child’s brainpower could also form the basis for more complicated subjects in the later years. Visual mathematics is the most important area of interest for teachers and parents since it equips the learner with the talent of visualizing numbers, bringing them ahead of the competition.
Abacus or mental maths as discussed above, has become one of the most sought-after programs because it helps brain development in different ways.

Syllabus Description

Age 7 years to 14 years

Level 1

Introduction of abacus
Structure of Abacus
How to Hold abacus
Placing Numbers
Making Flash Cards
Direct Method
Small Friends
Big Friends
Big Family
Skill Exercise (+1 to +9 )  ( -1 to -9 )
On Time Pracrice on Sheet
On Target Practice on Sheet
Speed Writing

A. Skill of addition and subtraction of all numbers until 99 digits on Fingers.
B. All additions and subtractions up till 99 are taught on the Abacus.

Level 2

A. 2 digit addition, subtraction and multiplication.
B. Visualisation of Abacus.
C. Visualisation of Numbers.
D. Practice Sheet for Speed improvement ( with time limit)
E. Multiplication tables ( 1 digit multiplier)
F. Speed Writing Zig Zag Pattern.
G.  Using method of visualization to conduct addition and subtraction.

Level 3

A. 3 digit Addition/ Subtraction.
B. Multiplication of 3 digit number with 1 digit number.
C. Addition and subtraction of decimals.
D. Using method of concentration to conduct addition, subtraction and multiplication.

Level 4

A. 3 Digit Addition/ Subtraction.(Visualisation)
B. Multiplication of 4 digit number with 1 digit number.Multiplication of 2 digit number by 2 digit number
C. Division of 4 digit number with 1 digit number.
D. Using method of concentration to conduct addition, subtraction and multiplication.

Level 5

A. 4 Digit Addition/ Subtraction.
B. Multiplication of 5 digit number with 1 digit number.
C. Multiplication of 3 digit number with 2 digit number.
D. Division of 3 digit number with 2 digit number.
E. Squares of numbers.

Level 6

A. Addition and Subtraction of big numbers.
B. Multiplication of 4 digit number with 2 digit number
C. Multiplication of 3 digit number with 3 digit number
D. Division of 4 digit number with 2 digit number
E. Addition, Multiplication and Division of decimals.
B. Squares of numbers

Level 7

A. Finding square roots of numbers.
B. Finding areas of different shapes.
B. Finding percentage
C. Cube
D. Cube Root

Level 8

Implementing Abacus in practical cases as well as in other mathematical aspects.